Carol A. Newman's Law Firm, has been practicing law in Louisiana for thirty seven (37) years in the areas of real estate law, wills, trusts and successions / probate. She has been recognized by several State courts as an expert witness in real estate law cases. Carol is a licensed title insurance agent for First American Title Insurance Company and WFG National Title Insurance Company. Ms. Newman provides residential and commercial real estate closings including "but not limited to" buying/selling property, refinances, bond for deeds, donations, seller financing, second mortgages, etc... She prepares wills, testamentary trusts, living wills, power of attorneys, and healthcare directives for estate planning. Ms. Newman has a team of very experienced attorneys and paralegals, and legal / notarial secretaries who will provide you with friendly and professional legal services to give you and your family well deserved peace of mind.
Carol A. Newman A Professional Law Corporation

W ith two locations to better serve your needs

Carol A. Newman Law Firm has two locations to better satisfy your legal needs. We now have offices in New Orleans as well as Baton Rouge. At each of our locations you will find that our team of professionals will greet you with a smile and do their very best to provide the highest level of legal services.
In New Orleans our office manager and notary, Ann Vieages, will be more than happy to assist you with making an appointment for consultation, gather the information for document preparation or notarizing your document even without an appointment.
In Baton Rouge our office manager, certified paralegal Christine Harrold, will assist you in scheduling an appointment for legal consultation, gathering information for document preparation, etc...
At both of our locations our staff will use their many years of experience to help you prepare for any legal challenge you may be facing. You can count on us to be efficient, courteous, friendly and professional.
Carol A. Newman Law Firm was featured in a recent 2024 article about theTop 35 Best Real Estate Lawyers In New Orleans. Click Here to read the article
Carol A. Newman Law Firm was featured in a 2024 article about the Best Real Estate Lawyers In Baton Rouge. Click Here to read the article
Material presented on the Carol A. Newman Law Firm website is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice and should not be construed as such. The material presented on this site is included with the understanding and agreement that Carol A Newman's Law Firm is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services by posting said material. The services of a competent professional should be sought if legal or other specific expert assistance is required. Any unauthorized use of material contained herein is at the users own risk. Transmission of the information and material herein is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, and agreement to create an attorney-client relationship with Carol A Newman's Law Firm or any member thereof. This website is not intended to be advertising and Carol A. Newman's Law Firm does not wish to represent anyone desiring representation based upon viewing this website in any state or jurisdiction where this website fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules. This website is not intended to constitute legal advice or the provision of legal services. By posting and/or maintaining this website and its contents, Carol A. Newman's Law Firm does not intend to solicit legal business from clients located in states or jurisdictions where Carol A. Newman's Law Firm or its individual attorneys are not licensed or authorized to practice law. Some links within this website may lead to other sites. Carol A. Newman's Law Firm does not necessarily sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of the materials appearing in such sites.
- The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
- The Port of New Orleans
- Housing Authority of New Orleans
- Liberty Bank and Trust
- Whitney National Bank
- Chase National Bank
- Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corp.
- Habitat For Humanity
- Seventh Ward Community Services Corp.
- Ninth Ward Development Corp.
- Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere (HOPE)
- Peoples Community Organization
- Neighborhood Development Foundation
- The Salvation Army
- American Bar Association
- Americans Business Women's Association
- Louisiana Land Title Association
- Louisiana State Bar Association
- Louisiana Homebuyer Training Collaborative LLC
- The Preservation Resource Center of New Orleans
- The Association of Women Attorneys
- New Orleans Mortgage and Title Agents Association
- The Louisiana Notary Association